REALTORS Care®: REALTORS® help make hockey day fundraiser in Winnipeg a breakaway success

Weekly Blend: The tale of the golden fire hydrants

Weekly Blend: The tiniest of tiny homes

Staying fit as a REALTOR®: Seven easy steps for a healthier lifestyle

Weekly Blend: Your 2020 bucket list

Weekly Blend: The Whos of Kamloops

Following his time studying history at Carleton University and as an infantry soldier with the Canadian Armed Forces, James Crocker-Fitzpatrick brought his diverse communication skills to the Canadian Real Estate Association. As a former summer student focusing on content creation for REALTORS Care® and CREA Café, James worked hard to write stories that reflected the generosity of the REALTOR® community and helped create interesting articles for the CREA Café. James finds pleasure in a quiet night of reading or painting alongside his three cats. He also likes scary movies, science fiction, and a well-crafted sentence.
